Day 214

For my Republican friends

Yes, I have friends who are Republicans. They know who they are, and my lord, so do I. They also know that I don’t hold it against them, any more than I hold anything against Purdue alum…but when they are both it is more difficult. Still, I persevere.


I woke up around 3 a.m. this morning and after failing to fall asleep again, I popped in the final DVD disc of the Ascent Of Man with Jacob Bronowski. I like that series almost as much as I like Connections with James Burke. Both of those shows were on tv when I was relatively young. Once you get past the way they are dressed, the shows are   magnificent. I had a little trouble with Bronowski this morning. It wasn’t because his trouser waistband was halfway between his waist and armpits, but because he was wearing a checked sports jacket, a striped shirt, and a paisley tie. It jarred me. However, once I got past that, the show was great. I recommend both of those series even though some of the science is out of date.


Have you seen the trailers for the new Clint Eastwood film, Trouble With the Curve? I first saw one of them when we were in Vegas. I mentioned it to Cindy the next day and asked her if she had seen the trailer. She asked me, “The one about the daughter?” I told her that I thought it was a baseball movie, but allowed as there might be a daughter in it. We both said we would like to see it, though probably for different reasons. The people who put together the trailer certainly knew what they were doing because we each saw what we wanted to see when we watched it. I hope the movie is cut as well.


Flo, Cindy’s mother has been back in the nursing home for over a week now, with no trips to the hospital. She has decided that she is better off there than back in her apartment. I think she’s right. The only potential problem I see is that she tends to demand more attention than most people. I hope she doesn’t alienate too many of the employees who make minimum wage. If she is like my mother was, she will come to like the people who work there, or at least hide any dislike she may have. After all, she has to depend on them.