Day 310

Barn on a chilly, wet morning

In case you didn’t notice, I’ve updated yesterday’s post so that there are actual thoughts and a photo, rather than just an announcement that there was no real post. Surprisingly, one person indicated that they liked the original 10 word post lacking the photo. I am not sure what that says about my compositional skills.


There is a Vonage commercial on TV that irritates me every time I see it aired. The speaker is a woman who talks about telephone conversations with her grandmother. The one line that gets to me is when she says that letters and texts are just thrown aside. Texts perhaps, but letters? Just thrown aside? I suppose that if you are illiterate, tossing them aside would make sense, but not if you can read. I have trouble throwing away old greeting cards from people I don’t especially like. It was only after I got married that I threw away the last of the letters I had received from old girl friends. A letter from someone you care about can be a lifetime memory, but a telephone conversation is left to your potentially faulty memory. Why would you toss aside a letter?


At the risk of alienating…nah, who cares…I am getting tired of the Republican pundits who keep saying that while President Obama may have received a mandate, so did all of the Republican members of the House receive a mandate in their district, and thus, they are right in opposing his “fiscal cliff” proposals. What they fail to mention is the modifier to the word district, gerrymandered. No matter how much they espouse the House member’s mandate, they have to recognize that fewer members would be re-elected, in both parties, if politicians did not draw boundaries that favored their own interests.


OK, I feel better after getting those two things out.